Virtus Genetics
1800 837 284

The first step for your patients’ genetic carrier screening journey

Our Reproductive Genetic Counselling team are available by telehealth appointment, to meet with your patients to discuss which genetic carrier screening test is right for them. You’ll be informed at every step of the way to ensure continuity of care. 

What happens in Genetic Counselling?

Our Genetic Counselling service covers every step of the process, ensuring your patients are informed and comfortable with their reproductive genetic carrier screening pathway.  

  • The initial consultation involves a comprehensive review of the patients’ medical and family histories
  • Discussing the appropriate test most relevant to their individual needs
  • Answering any questions to ensure they are well informed
  • Explaining the implications of possible high-risk test results
  • Arranging the tests, which can be done via a saliva or blood collection
  • Providing detailed result interpretation and tailored guidance should results indicate a high-risk of passing on a genetic condition 
  • Discussion of fertility treatment pathways, if required

Seamless sample collection, prompt results, compassionate clinicians and cutting-edge genetic testing methods. 

Refer your patients to us with confidence.

What happens in Genetic Counselling?

The ideal time for genetic counselling is when patients are planning for a pregnancy. Screening before becoming pregnant gives couples the widest array of reproductive options.   

Individuals often have no knowledge that they are carriers of a genetic condition. In fact, 90% of babies born with an inherited genetic condition had no family history of it. Reproductive carrier screening looks for genetic variants in a person’s genes that may cause a health condition. The results provide information for couples about the chance of having a child with a genetic condition, before falling pregnant. This testing is safe and reliable, and can be performed either by blood test or on a cheek swab.  

By offering patients Reproductive Genetic Carrier Screening, our highly qualified and compassionate Genetic Counsellors can discuss all screening options, either for a specific condition or for chromosomal variations, to minimise their chance of passing on a genetic condition to a child.


We offer genetic counselling as part of the testing package for carrier screening and in other tests for those where a genetic finding is reported. For complex cases requiring more than two appointments a follow up fee of $100 applies.

For new assessments for patients who haven’t seen one of our fertility specialists at Virtus Health there may be an appointment fee of $150.

Carrier Screening Options

There are a range of carrier screening options, and during the Genetic Counselling Service appointment, our Genetic Counsellors can discuss which test is relevant for your patient.  Click here to view test options available.

Meet our experts

We have a team of expert clinicians and genetic counsellors available to help navigate the path towards a confident and informed reproductive journey. Meet the team here.